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These series of slides summarise our concerns with the CFO
Use the arrows to navigate left and right.
Nathan Brown’s Story
Abused from Birth to Death
Click Here
Whistle Blower
Financial corruption reported within the CFO.
Click Here

We are gathering information about:

Brisbane Christian Fellowship, Melbourne Christian Fellowship, Associated Organisations & Individuals. 

Christian Fellowship organisation.' (CFO)

We use an online survey to gather information from around Australia in the most efficient way

Once you fill out the survey, you can then click on the Survey Results button to see how others answered the questions.

We hope you’ll be comforted to know your experiences are shared by so many others in
Australia. And your survey answers will provide comfort to others who feel alone and powerless.

The survey has been worded by professionals to focus on particular laws in
Australia, and you will remain anonymous at every stage.

No private infromation is being Requested

Please complete the anonymous survey by clicking on the “Complete the Survey” button below.